Year XV, 2005:



impact of geomorphologic component on the new urban planning policy of Oradea city

Rodica PETREA, Nicolae JOSAN, Andrei LUNCAN, Dorina ILIES, Cosmin CHIRIAC


Résumé : L’impact de la composante géomorphologique sur la nouvelle politique territoriale urbaine de la ville d’Oradea Dans l’étude présent, nous analysons le potentiel géomorphologique de la ville d’Oradea dans le contexte de la nouvelle politique territoriale urbaine. Dans ce sens on analyse les caractéristiques de base du cadre géomorphologique liées aux autres facteurs (clime, géologie, hydrographie, végétation, sol, etc.) et la manière dans laquelle ceux-ci agissent sur la composante socio-économique. L’analyse des phénomènes territoriaux se confronte à un nombre agrandissant des variables; le nombre des composantes augmente et devient plus diversifié constamment. A part des fonctions territoriales (hébergement, transportation, infrastructure publique, etc.), pour la projection de l’espace urbain d’autres éléments s’imposent tels que ceux liés à l’environnement. La plus viable zone du hinterland de la ville est vallonnée, très recherchée après 1989 et exige une approche géodémographique du territoire et une évolution sur le fond de l’adaptation à une nouvelle typologie d’aménagement urbain.





Résumé: L’évolution géomorphologique du bassin hydrographique Bistra-Barcău (Les Monts et les Collines du Plopis). Le bassin de Bistra, tributaire du Barcau  est situé aux Collines de Derna, dans le secteur nord des Collines de l’Ouest et dans le Massif du Plopis, qui appartient aux Monts Apuseni. Le ravin de Varzari – Les Collines de Derna – est un ravin d’âge récent, mais à l’intérieur duquel l’érosion se manifeste avec une intensité rémarquable. Sculpté dans des sables, des argiles et des marnes, il ateint 398m en longueur; 11,4m en largeur et 4,9m de profondeur. En deux ans, il a gagné 2m en longueur et 0,5m en profondeur; ce niveau d’érosion impose des mesures d’aménagement urgentes pour empêcher son développement accéléré.


Procese actuale de modelare a reliefului în Depresiunea Copalnicului



Abstract: Current Processes of Reshaping the Relief of the Copalnic Valley. Among the current processes of reshaping the relief of the Copalnic Valley, the mass shifting and especially the terrain gliding deserve a special attention. The current ground gliding represents a lower reactivation of the old slips or activation of previously unaffected slopes. The most widespread ones are the superficial slips taking place on slopes with an escarpment of more than 3-5°. The slips in furrows are dominant, which present an upside down curve to that of the ravine, while the forehead of the slip is not clearly visible. The terrain slips particularly affect the low-vegetation slopes. An important role in shaping the valley slopes is also played by the intermittent action of the precipitation water that manifests itself through the surface erosion, flowing erosion, torrents. They all are present on the grounds intensively used for pasture.

The human activities developed in the valley area did not have a violent impact on the surrounding landscape. They meant clearing the forest, rock and non-iron or processing, constructing roads, expansion of the hearth of localities.



Oana-Ramona ILOVAN


Abstract: The Morphological Premises of Individualizing the “Năsăudului Land. In this paper we analyze one of the factors that have influenced, directly or indirectly, the “construction” of the studied region’s landscape uniformity: the relief. Included in the category of natural premises, characterized by a degree of favourability that has determined anthropisation, the settlements’ diversification, their individualization through specificity, the relief has had the most important role, the other physical-geographic factors being only secondary in conditioning the above mentioned processes.



Ribana LINC


Abstract: The Timis-Cerna Corridor. Physical and Geographical Components. The relief is the main co-ordinator factor of the variation of all components of the geo-system within Timis-Cerna corridor. The usage of the principle of geographical integration, starting with morphometrical particularities of the relief, the different types of relief forms are used as a main factor of territorial differentiation. We also used other types of geographical indicators. Within the Timis-Cerna Corridor, the complexity of physical and geographical factors together with the human factors allows the individualization of three sectors: Timis Corridor in the northern part, Domasnea-Mehadia Depression in the central part and Cerna Corridor in the southern part.





Résumé: Considérations sur la relation entre sources, transport et accumulation d’alluvions dans un bassin hydrographique de la Plaine Moldave. Le bassin du Baseu est situé à l’est de la Roumanie et a une superficie de 961km2 tandis que la longueur du cours principal est de 106 km. Ce bassin appartient à la Plaine de la Moldavie, constituée de roches sédimentaires (argiles, marnes, sables) où se sont insinués des ravins (en majorité arrivés à l’étape de la maturité) et où se produisent des glissements de terrain de grandes dimensions.  L’aménagement des étangs de cette unité de relief a une grande importance pour le stockage des alluvions (3 %), mais la plupart du matériel deplacé à la partie supérieure des versants reste à l’intérieur du système (88 %). Les processus  géomorphologiques spécifiques pour cette région constituée particulièrement d’argiles sont les glissements de terrain qui peuvent atteindre 500m de longueur et largeur et 8m de profondeur.





Resumé: L’inventaire et l’évaluation du potentiel naturel et anthropique, méthode d’analyse dans la perspective du développement durable. Étude du cas - Les Montagnes Codru Moma. Nous voulons présenter un modèle d’analyse dans la perspective du développement durable dans les Montagnes Codru Moma. C’est pourquoi nous avons fait d’une manière syntétique l’inventaire et l’évaluation du potentiel ou capital naturel (relief, climat, reseau hydrographique, structures biopédologiques) d’un part et anthropique (établissements et activités économiques) d’autre part. En même temps nous avons essayé surprendre les points forts et les points faibles qui caractèrisent l’espace montagneux.


Tendinţe de variaţie a precipitaţiilor anuale din Europa

Gheorghe MĂHĂRA, Ionel HAIDU


Abstract: Variation Trends of the Annual Rainfall of Europe. The trends of the variation of European annual precipitation's. 20 annual time series have been considered in order to identify the trends of precipitations in Europe. Two kinds of tendencies have been defined. The first one is the global trend given by a polynomial of first or second order. This explains the global dynamic of phenomena. The second one is given by a higher order polynomial (in this paper the order 6) which is able to reveal the local tendencies for 1-2 decades. The Pearson correlation coefficient is used to find the linkage between the series. Certain global trends reveals increasing or decreasing precipitation. We can not make a valuable generalization at continental scale. But the local tendencies show the reality for the last 20 years. Some homogeneity as regarding the local trends could be find for the continental Europe, the central and the estern part. The high fluctuations of one or another scheme of general circulation, close to the seaside and in the peninsular Europe, do not permit to regionalize any trend. We can not observe any linkage between the global warming and the long-term variation of yearly precipitations in Europe.


regimul eolian în Munţii Bihor şi Vlădeasa

Carmen Dragotă, Ovidiu Gaceu, Săndica Hîrsescu


Abstract: The Wind Regime in Bihor and Vlădeasa Mountains. The paper presents the wind regime features in the Bihor and Vlădeasa Mts. According to the data resulted from the meteorological observations during 1961-2000 of nine weather stations located at different altitudes: Gurahonţ (177 m), Ştei (265 m), Borod (333 m), Huedin (560 m), Câmpeni (591 m), Stâna de Vale (1108 m), Băişoara (1360 m), Vlădeasa 1400 (1404 m) and Vlădeasa 1800 (1836 m), we have established the monthly and yearly average, the calm frequency, the monthly and yearly average speed on directions, the wind speed irrespective of the direction as well as the average wind speed at the four observation hours.


Aspecte de risc determinate de stratul de zăpadă în   staţiunea balneoclimaterică Stâna de Vale

Ovidiu Gaceu, Simona Fratianni, Cristina Mut


Abstract: Risk Aspects Determined by the Snow Layer in the Bathing Resort Stâna de Vale. The paper presents the main parameters which characterize the snow layer, namely the average time of the first and last snow layer, the potential average duration of the snow layer, the most recent and the latest snow layer, the possible maximum duration of the snow layer, the average appearance and disappearance of the stable snow layer, average duration of the stable snow layer, the average and maximum decadal thickness of the snow layer, the number of soil-snow covered days and the risk interval for the snow layer. In this respect we have processed the data resulted from the meteorological observations between 1979-2000 from Stâna de Vale and at the end we have accomplished a case study which highlights the risk which the snow layer in the bathing resort Stâna de Vale presents.  



Tiberiu Eugen ANTOFIE


Abstract: The Torrential Rain in the Ialomiţa Subcarpathians. The study is based on processing and interpreting the annual, seasonal and daily quantities of precipitation recorded in four meteorological stations within the interval 1985-2003. Situations in which the intensity of the rain is higher than 0.10 mm/min (Hellman’s criterion) were considered torrential rain. The study gave a description of this phenomenon in the region and also represents a preliminary stage in determining the vulnerability degree of the risk induced by the atmospheric precipitation. The local variations in time of the main amounts of precipitation did not come as a direct consequence of  the fluctuations of intensity of the solar activity but as the outcome of  intensity fluctuations shown by the general circulation of the air interacting with the physico-geographical features.


POTENŢIALUL Termic şi hidric al zonei Miniş-Cladova

Filip VANC


Abstract: The Thermal and Hydric Potential of Miniş-Cladova Area The perpetual climate change in the world is reflected especially at the local level or at the geographical microzones. The study is included in the minimum of analysis years (OMM 30 years), reflecting the climate descrepancies, the climate differences in limited  domains, but geomorphologically determined. The positive relief determines important climate differences on small areas.





Abstract: The Extreme Temperatures in the Getic Piedmont (between Olt and Dâmboviţa). The study proposes to show the characteristics of the absolute maximum and minimum temperatures and the absolute thermic amplitude, monthly and yearly, in the eastern part of the Getic Piedmont. In this purpose, we analysed the meteorological data from seven stations (Rm. Vâlcea, Drăgăşani, Slatina, Deduleşti-Morăreşti, Curtea de Argeş, Piteşti, Voineşti), in the period from 1961 to 2000. The absolute maximum temperatures occurred, exclusively, in the last year. During the summer of 2000, three weather stations (Slatina, Piteşti, Râmnicu Vâlcea) occurred the absolute maximum values for the whole registered period. The most part of monthly minimum temperatures is characteristic of the decade 1981-1990 and the yearly extreme minimum temperatures are more frequently in the first decade 1961-1970.





Abstract: The Using of Water Resources from the Carpathian and Subcarpathian Space between Dâmboviţa and Prahova Rivers. Comparative to other natural resources, water is regenerable, limited and it always renews in its natural circuit. This process has also a series of disadvantages: it can’t be substituted, its temporal and spatial distribution is not uniform and it satisfies, hardly, the water needs which are in a continuous growth. Therefore, the provision of water has become a problem of great importance, meanwhile the requirements have grown, all because of the development and diversification of the socio-economic activities, with implication on the ecologic balance. Taking into account all this, the ways water is used on types of resources, are presented below. The usage of water resources stays at a high level, as quantity and diversification of ways of use, fact which is explained by the large number of dwellings and by the presence of large industrial enterprises which use large amounts of water.




Abstract: L’étude du phénomène de dessèchement des ruisseaux dans la Plaine de la Transylvanie. Le dessèchement des rivières est un phénomène complexe ayant des implications dans la possibilité de valorisation des ressources d’eau d’un territoire. La Plaine de la Transylvanie est une région déficitaire sous aspect hydrique où le phénomène de l’assèchement a une fréquence, une durée et une intensité assez grandes par comparaison aux autres territoires afférents à la Dépression de la Transylvanie. Dans l’étude on analyse, au début, les conditions qui favorisent le phénomène d’assèchement, les débits minimes annuels, mensuels et quotidiens avec des probabilités de 95% et 97%, le nombre des ruisseaux affectés par le phénomène d’assèchement et les types d’assèchement en fonction de la grandeur des bassins hydrographiques. En ce qui suit on accorde une attention spéciale aux aspects liés au milieu naturel et aux activités humaines.   


Influenţa stratului de zĂpadă asupra scurgerii lichide în bazinul hidrografic Fântâna Galbena, în perioada decembrie 1995 – ianuarie 1996



Abstract: The Influence of the Snow Layer over the Liquid Runoff in the Hydrographical Basin of Fântâna Galbena, between December 1995 and January 1996. One of the twenty representative basins of Romania, the hydrographical basin of Fântâna Galbena, presents physico-geographical conditions specific to the western carpathic mountainous area. Its situation in the upper hydrographic basin of Iadului Valley, the orientation of the versants to the cardinal points, the presence of the forest vegetation in an important proportion, confer to the basin particularities concerning the liquid runoff. A special situation that produced growths of the liquid flow was in December 1995-January 1996, on the background of some unusual climatic conditions for this season (growth of the air temperature, liquid precipitations fallen over the existant snow layer) combined with the effects of a frozen soil that favoured the flowing on the versants and in the riverbed.


How many years it will take? The Regeneration of soil and vegetation after clearing, burning and cultivation. The development of cultural landscape in experiment

E. Schulz, A. Bogenrieder, O. Ehrmann, M. Hall,  L. Herrmann, M. Rosch, W. Schier


Zusammenfassung. Das rnultidisziplinare Projekt Forchtenberg widrnet sich der Aufklarung der ersten Stadien der Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung in Mitteleuropa. In einern Buchen-, Ahorn, Eschen-, Eichen Mischwald in der Schichtstufenlandschaft von Hohenlohe in Slidwestdeutschland werden Rodung, Brand und Anbau durchgeftihrt, urn Ertrage unter verschiedenen Anbauarten zu errnitteln. Ebenso werden Langzeitbeobachtungen und Untersuchungen zur Regeneration von Boden und Vegetation vorgenornrnen. Die Rodung verursacht bereits ein spezielles Mosaik von Vegetations- und Bodenanderungen, welches durch Brand und nachfolgendern Anbau erneut verandert wird. Kontinuierliche Beobachtung und Kartierung von Vegetation und Bodenoberflachen sollen Wege und Strategien der Regeneration von Vegetation und Boden aufklaren. Acht Typen von Bodenoberflachen konnte ausgegliedert werden: a/Or Auflagen, deren Reste, rnineralische nackte glatte Flachen aus Algen-/Bakterienfilrnen oder Tonlasuren, nackte krlirnelige Oberflachen, die durch Regenwurrnkot gebildet werden, Moosrasen, Grasfilze, Holzkohlenlagen sowie Holz- und Spreisseldecken.  In den ersten Jahren nach Rodung, Brand und Anbau bildeten sich die ursprlinglichen O1/Orf Auflagen oder nackten Oberflachen zu erstickenden Grasfilzen oder krlimeligen Oberflachen unter Blischen und Grasdomen urn. Holzkohle konnte eine Bodenoberflache bis zu einern halben Jahr sterilisieren. Eine Neubildung von Ol/Of Auflagen begann im vierten Jahr unter den austreibenden Ahornen und Linden, die ihre groBen Blatter frlih irn Herbst werfen. Insgesarnt kann man zwei verschiedene konkurrierende Regenerationslinien unterscheiden. Zurn einen bilden sich flachenhaft dichte Grassfilze und krlimelige Oberflachen und zum anderen entwickeln sich lokal Ol/Of Auflagen als Zeichen der Rlickkehr zur Dynamik der Waldboden unter den austreibenden Stubben von Ahorn und Linde. Die weitere Beobachtung soIl klaren, wie lange Zeit es brauchen wird, bis sich eine geschlossene Decke der charakteristischen Waldbodenoberllachen bilden wird. Dies kann dann zur Abschatzung der Chancen fur eine Rodung und einen weiteren Anbau im Sinne einer Rotation dienen.



Alexandru ISTRATE, Ovidiu MURĂRESCU, Mădălina CHIŢESCU


Abstract: Aquiferous Structures on the Northern Side of the Internal Depression in Arges-Prahova Interfluve. The studies that have been undertaken lately concerning the depression area of the Oriental Carpathians in Arges-Prahova interfluve also led to the identification of several water-bearing structures under very difficult geological conditions. The conditions favorable to the formation of such aquiferous systems are given by the existence of certain synclinal structures at the level of the Romanian and Lower Pleistocene, with a psamito-psephitic lithology. In only one case we can talk about an aquiferous structure at the level of the Sarmatian deposits in the filling of a synclinal fold in the area of the external flysch, near the boundary with the inner depression. The difficult conditions are given by the overall techtonic conjuncture dominated by ample deformations given by the slow migration towards the surface of the salt from the Lower Miocene, which penetrated the newer deposits and reached below or at the surface. Lately, such aquiferous structures were opened using drillings, in order to be used in the alimentation with water in different localities. Among these we can enumerate: Valea Larga synclinal, south of the superposition Laculete-Ocnita-Draganeasa, Valea Lunga-north Doicesti-Branesti synclinal, at the border with Tarcau water-bearing structure or Iedera-Satu Banului synclinal, north of the anticlinal fold Moreni-Gura Ocnitei.



Răzvan-Horaţiu BĂTINAŞ


Abstract: Water Chemical Characteristics of Rivers from Aries Basin. The chemical features of a river are determined by a complex of components: the geology, the climate, land use and soils. Beside this, river water is polluted by wastewaters of different types, sweepings and industrial dumps which arrive in river network through various paths. The most important source of pollution in the studied area is the mining industry, which introduces in the environment a large quantity of waste. The rivers situated downstream the mines are changed concerning the water turbidity, color and taste, pH, anions, cations and water transparency. These characteristics determine certain chemistry for different sectors on the Aries River. The paper analyse the evolution of some indicators for several years at the water quality control section situated on Aries River but also on two tributaries.



Aurelia Florina DUMITER


Resumé: La pollution et la protection de l’atmosphère dans la ville d’Oradea. Les préoccupations pour la pollution et la protection de l’atmosphère ont une très grande importance pour la société contemporaine. Comme une componente importante du moyen environnant,  l’atmosphère a souffert toute une série de changements calitatifs grâce a l’intervention de l’homme de plus en plus diversifiée. Ces changements se font sentir le plus autour des habitations urbaines. C’est aussi le cas de la ville Oradea , une ville qui a des activitées économiques de plus en plus diversifiées. La préoccupation pour la protection de  l’atmosphère et du moyen environnant dans tout son ensemble est aussi importante qu’on ne peut pas parler d’un développement durable de la société humaine sans avoir un moyen environnant propre.





Abstract: Polluting Sources in the Targoviste Plain. A very important element in atmospheric pollution monitoring is the identification of emissive sources and of noxes categories that spreads in the atmosphere of Târgoviste plain. The most important pollution sources in Târgoviste plain are: industrial platform, power plant, oil extraction, alongside with traffic pollution. Analyzing the data from Environment Protection Agency, after 1998 it appears a reduction of sulfur dioxid emissions and suspensions quantity in residential atmosphere; from a year to another air quality registered a substantial increasing.


Implementarea Directivelor Comisiei Europene privind mediul, ca parte componentă a dezvoltării durabile, în judeţul Bihor

Mariana RAŢIU


Abstract: The Implementation of the European Environmental Legislation, as Part of the Sustainable Development, in the Bihor County The Romanian economy and society has been in the state of constant transition since 1989. The new basic environmental act was introduced in 1995, but the implementing rules are still missing in many areas. Now, when Romania is preparing to enter in the European Union, a part of the preparations is implementation and applying of the recommendations about environmental protection in accordance with the European legislation.


Repercutarea activităţii economice în opiniile despre deteriorarea sau înfrumuseţarea peisajului rural-agricol. Studiu de caz – populaţia a patru sate din partea centrală a Judeţului Bihor (România)

Iulian DINCĂ


Abstract: Economical activity reverberations in the opinions about damaging or beautifying the rural-agricultural landscape. Case-study on the population of four villages in the central part of Bihor county (Romania). Our socio-geographical investigation was addressed to the population of four villages (200-600 inhabitants) in a hill-low mountain interference area (210-420 m altitude). The location has interfluves blunt forms, slow versants, rather large and deep valleys, arable land and matching hay-fields, leafy forests, vegetable gardens. The subjects opined about the way in which the local economical activity alters or beautifies their landscape. At the village level analysis between 60-100% expressed the opinion that the activity embellishes it, 11-20% said that it alters it and the same percentage favours neither the alteration nor the embellishment. The no-opinion subjects range from 4 to 33%. At the age-group level analysis, the subjects in favour of embellishment are very young, adults, elderly and very old; for deterioration 14% of the subjects; neither of the opinions 6-18%, inconsistency of opinions 23-31%. Generally speaking, the agricultural activity is viewed as having a positive impact on modifying the landscape, while the forest operation and wood processing seriously damage the attractiveness of the subjects’ landscape.





Abstract: The evolution of the territorial-administrative organization in the Crişurilor Plain. Along its evolution, the territory corresponding to Campia Crisurilor has comprised several forms of territorial-administrative organization of the habitat, suffering a series of changes along the historical periods, according to the way they were imposed by the regimes that were in power. The voivodship ruled by Menumorut was succeeded later by the counties of Bihor, Zarand and Arad. Starting with 1877, once with the definitive dissolution of the county of Zarand, the belonging localities to this shall enter into the administration of the Arad County. In this period, the territorial-administrative units of lower rank to the counties were the small rural districts called plasa, comprising many villages. After 1918 the space corresponding to Campia Crisurilor was included to the districts Arad and Bihor and from 1950 until 1968, once with the re-setting up of the districts, it was to incur again on the two districts: Arad and Bihor. The 102 villages that make up the network of rural settlements in Campia Crisurilor occupy a surface of approximately 2759 km2, compared to the 3 320 km2 of the whole plain area, representing 83.1% of it, which strengthens once more the profoundly rural character of this territory.



Mirela-Elena MAZILU


Abstract: Eradication Strategies of some World Socio-Economic Blights. The end of the 20th century has brought a series of little predictable problems only a decade ago. A genuine contemporary and contradictory picture strikes a potential observer. On the one hand the fall of political barriers among the states of the Eastern, Central European countries and other countries, the radical transformation in Central and Eastern Europe and the efforts to set up democratic systems, the uniting and integrating trends from Europe which has enlarged its borders and north-south cooperation represent undoubtedly the outcome of an internationally-supported effort for progress at an international scale. On the other hand the emergence of other more subtle economic social and cultural borders among states, the international migration of the labour force, the famine, terrorism, maintenance of a crisis situation in many poor states of the world, military conflicts and nationalist tendencies unsolved yet constituted the topic of this analysis being accompanied by disillusions like many hopes from the 90s.



Dumitru  RUS


Abstract: The Communication and Transport Function of the Mureş Corridor, the Brănişca-Păuliş Section. Having the function to connect the Transylvanian and the Panonian basins, the Mureş Corridor (the Brănişca-Păuliş section) with a length of 110 km, has acquired a very important role since Antiquity, in communication and transport. In the Middle Ages, the Mureş River was used for the transportation of salt and other merchandise on rafts to Zam, Vărădia of Mureş and Lipova ports. The construction of a road on the right side of the Mureş in 1732, as well as the opening of the railroads Deva -Arad (1868), Radna-Timişoara (1871) and Ilia-Lugoj (1898), have contributed to the development of transport in the area. The second half of the 20th century was characterized by the modernization of communication, using mainly the pre-existing network. Nowadays , the Mureş Corridor is very important for the transit between the central and the western parts of the country and between Romania and the E.U. countries, the European Road 68 and the Railway Thoroughfare 200 pass through the area. The construction of highway Arad-Sibiu, and the modernizing of the railway structure will soon place this area in the European Transport Corridor 4.


Ecoturismul rural - un mod de conservare a mediului Şi a comunităţii rurale

Mihaela DINU


Abstract: Rural Ecotourism – a Modality of Conserving both the Environment and the Rural Community. Rural ecotourism is an alternative form of tourism which emerged as a reaction to the excessive development of mass tourism and its increased pressure on the environment. Ecotourism is aimed primarily at protecting natural areas and obtaining benefits for the local population, goals very seldom attained in practice. There are different ways of implementing ecotourism programs elaborated in distinct socio-cultural media and environments in countries with distinct development levels (France, China, Belize and Mexico). The ecotourism projects were developed on lands subject to different forms of ownership: state, private or mixt (state and private). Ecotourism projects are devised for each individual property type as a form of conserving the natural resources. In Romania, such programs are in an early stage of elaboration. They must be promoted for all types of land property and not only for the state-owned terrains. In the light of international experience, priority should be the ellaboration of a national strategy targeting protected natural areas in the first place.


Potenţialul turistic NATURAL al Culoarului BRAN­ – RUCĂR – DRAGOSLAVELE

Nicoleta PĂUNAŞ


Résumé : Le potentiel agro-touristique du couloir Bran – Rucăr – Dragoslavele. Le couloir Bran – Rucăr – Dragoslavele présente une région caractérisée par une individualité géographique accentuée, grâce  à la structure géologique, mais surtout, par les formes de relief, d'altitude, l'hydrographie, la végétaţion et le sol. La région a une double fonction: de depression pour les massifs montagneux des environs et de  région montagneuse plus haute par rapport aux dépressions Braşov et Câmpulung, localisées sur le côté du nord et sur celui du sud. Toutes ces caractéristiques auxquelles on ajoute le topoclimat de confort qu'on y trouve constituent des facteurs favorables pour le tourisme qui est de plus en plus développé dans la région.